Zebra zpl commands. See the instructions below.
- Zebra zpl commands 그래픽을 ZPL 호환 Zebra 프린터로 변환, 다운로드 및 인쇄; ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise로 그래픽 변환. With ZPL enabled, the commands will be parsed and handled appropriately. The ^RB ZPL command (see ^RB on page44 for) is used to define EPC structure. ^MU also allows for printing at lower resolutions — 600 dpi printers are capable of printing at 300, 200, and 150 dpi; 300 dpi printers are capable of printing at 150 dpi. ZPL RFID Commands ^HL or ~HL ^HR ^RB ^RF ^RL ^RS ^RU ^RW; ZPL Wireless Commands ^KC ^NB ^NN ^NP ^NT ^NW ^WA ^WE ^WL - Set Leap ~WL - Print Network ^WP ^WR - Set Transmit ~WR - Reset Wireless ^WS ^WX; ZBI Commands. Configuring JSON Usage for Communications ZPL RFID Commands ^HL or ~HL ^HR ^RB ^RF ^RL ^RS ^RU ^RW; ZPL Wireless Commands ^KC ^NB ^NN ^NP ^NT ^NW ^WA ^WE ^WL - Set Leap ~WL - Print Network ^WP ^WR - Set Transmit ~WR - Reset Wireless ^WS ^WX; ZBI Commands. 0. Refer to the steps below on how to retrieve the image. This command sets or returns the format character to the character corresponding to the ASCII Hex value xx. I'm sending some labels for printing via ZPL commands. The ZPL parser in the printer can handle many incoming connections simultaneously. The ^FH command must precede each ^FD command that uses hexadecimal in its field. The printer will calibrate and measure the label length in those instances during calibration and there is no need to include the ^LL in the label The ^MM command determines the action the printer takes after a label or group of labels has printed. SGD commands set and get configuration details. Using the DTR/DSR XON/XOFF mode will cause the printer to respond to either DTR/DSR or XON/XOFF, depending on which method is first received from the host device. This command gives control over several printing operations. Command Line Examples Command line examples appear in Courier New font. Those settings will remain in effect until they are changed by subsequent commands, the printer is reset, or you restore factory defaults. Closer to bypassing Flex print dialogue? See more linked questions Aug 10, 2024 · Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v10: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v10 to send ZPL files directly. (It adds or subtracts from the darkness value configured on the printer. CPCL and ZPL are fully described in: ZPL & CPCL Printer Driver for OPOS Application Programmer's Guide. With that application, and when using ZBI version 1, the following commands are essentially obsolete. The ^PW command allows you to set the print width. Function ZPL RFID Commands ^HL or ~HL ^HR ^RB ^RF ^RL ^RS ^RU ^RW; ZPL Wireless Commands ^KC ^NB ^NN ^NP ^NT ^NW ^WA ^WE ^WL - Set Leap ~WL - Print Network ^WP ^WR - Set Transmit ~WR - Reset Wireless ^WS ^WX; ZBI Commands. Jest to język oparty na komendach używany przez drukarki jako instrukcje tworzenia obrazów drukowanych na etykietach. [1] [2] This command consists of two portions, a ZPL II command defining the font and a structured data segment that defines each character of the font. ^MU works on a field-by-field basis. The official ZPL programming guide can be very helpful if you need to dig deeper into the language. This command is similar to the ZPL ^MD command. Send the ZPL string ^XA^HH^XZ to the printer to return the settings back to the Apr 23, 2020 · Zebra placement specification for the tag is: x = 20 mm Read Power = 15 Write Power = 15 To determine the proper Program Position: 32 - 20 = 12. Oct 13, 2022 · Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) is the command language used by all ZPL compatible printers. Once a value for ^A@ is defined, it represents that font until a new font name is specified by ^A@. These can be useful for troubleshooting or recording existing values. Firmware; Who Should Use This Document; ZPL Commands. For information on these commands, see the ZPL Programming Guide available from zebra. The program position should be F12, and read and write power to 15. x,a,h,w,base,space,#char,©,data The ^PO command inverts the label format 180 degrees. configured for ZPL and an application sends ZPL data to the printer, the printer will just dump the ZPL commands to the line printer rather than process the ZPL commands. Function The ~HI command is designed to be sent from the host to the Zebra printer to retrieve information. An example comment could be: This is a program command and must be preceded by a line number. 1. Upon receipt, the Zebra printer will respond to the Host with a character string that gives information about the printer such as the version of firmware, dots per inch, memory, and printer options. Control commands may be sent from the host at any time to elicit an immediate response from the printer. A unique pattern at three of the symbol’s four corners assists in determining barcode size, position, and inclination. A 1 ZPL II Basics This section provides basic information about Zebra Programming Language II (ZPL II). Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v8: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v8 to send ZPL files directly. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the Oct 13, 2022 · Le Guide de programmation ZPL contient toutes les informations sur les commandes ZPL. This parameter is supported only on G-Series printers. A command structure illustration is provided for each command in this guide. EPC field data can be delimited with any of the following characters: Aug 10, 2024 · Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v10: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v10 to send ZPL files directly. The same format command is used for drawing either boxes or lines. Most configurations and settings are shared between ZPL and EPL. Jul 30, 2024 · You can retrieve the images stored in a ZPL printer and use them for printing later. This command is substituted with a single ASCII control character STX (control-B, hexadecimal 02). , Xi4, and RXi4 is 0 to 30 in increments of 0. "zpl" and "hybrid_xml_zpl" The ^KP command is used to define the password that must be entered to access the control panel switches and LCD Setup Mode. The EPL2 Programming Manual contains all the information on the EPL Commands Read More>> EPL2 Programming Examples Read More>> EPL2 Tips. È un linguaggio basato su comandi utilizzato dalle stampanti come istruzioni per creare le immagini stampate sulle etichette. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the Aug 2, 2019 · This article discusses the ZPL Reprint Command Details. The ^MU command must be followed by the expected resolution (x1) and by the native resolution (x2) following this syntax: ZD620 and ZD420 Link-OS 4 inch Desktop Printers User Guide P1131665-01EN Rev A ZPL commands Hello, I have created 2 labels, the first containing product information and the second the bar code, is it possible to print 10 labels, the first label then the second, then the first? ZPL RFID Commands ^HL or ~HL ^HR ^RB ^RF ^RL ^RS ^RU ^RW; ZPL Wireless Commands ^KC ^NB ^NN ^NP ^NT ^NW ^WA ^WE ^WL - Set Leap ~WL - Print Network ^WP ^WR - Set Transmit ~WR - Reset Wireless ^WS ^WX; ZBI Commands. Upon receipt, the printer responds with information on the model, software version, dots-per-millimeter setting, memory size, and any detected options. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the The ^LT command moves the entire label format a maximum of 120 dot rows up or down from its current position, in relation to the top edge of the label. Font instruction; Rotation Commands; Reverse Printing a Field; Label Reverse Print; Mirror Image of Label 07/29/2005 ZPL Programming Guide Volume One 45541L-002 Rev. The ^A@ command uses the complete name of a font, rather than the character designation used in ^A. Text indicating exact code entered is printed in an easily recognizable Courier font. The ^SN command allows the printer to index data fields by a selected increment or decrement value, making the data fields increase or decrease by a specified value each time a label is printed. A print language is a set of commands that can be used to draw elements like text, shapes, barcodes and images, combine these elements, and finally print them. A comprehensive guide for Zebra Programming Language II (ZPL II) and ZBI 2. Alternatively, line print mode allows for immediate printouts of all received text without the need to worry about formatting or formal language commands. Oct 13, 2022 · ZPL에서 대체 글꼴을 사용할 때 코드 128 해석 줄이 중앙에 있지 않음 - 대체 글꼴 사용. For For example, type ZTools to get to the Post-Install scripts in the bin directory. The graphic field data can be placed at any location within the bitmap space. Printing graphics using EPL2 Read More>> The Printer Configuration Report provides a listing of a majority of the configuration settings that can be set by ZPL or SGD commands. Function Mar 23, 2015 · How do i send a feed command to a zebra ze500 printer - I want to emulate pressing the feed button on the front of the unit. The ^FB command also contains an automatic word-wrap function. You can set the Media Feed function to Feed and upon closing the door or on bootup it will feed 12 labels. Feb 2, 2021 · A Zebra printer can be used to print some or all the text fields with a lower resolution. Of course, there are many more ZPL commands available. Function About This Document 9 How This Document Is Organized 11/14/2008 RFID Programming Guide 58978L-008 Rev. Oct 13, 2022 · Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) is the command language used by all ZPL compatible printers. The ^FO command sets a field origin, relative to the label home (^LH) position. command_prefix ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra The ^CF command sets the default font used in your printer. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the Aug 22, 2019 · The ^LL ZPL command (Label Length) is intended to be used to specify the label length in dot rows when using CONTINUOUS Media. May 23, 2019 · Some printers require specific EPL compatible firmware. Labels may be defined in ZPL II and generated by a host computer system. EPL and ZPL commands configure the printer, print labels, and get device status information. ZPL stores all parameters at once with a single command discussed above. A Zebra Technologies Corporation. Aug 10, 2024 · Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v10: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v10 to send ZPL files directly. The Printer Configuration Report lists a majority of the configurations settings that can be set by sending ZPL commands to the printer. Values other than those listed may be available depending on the firmware version being used. It also cancels any batches that are printing. Dec 11, 2024 · Start Zebra BASIC Interpreter ~JI ~JI: Start Zebra BASIC Interpreter ^JJ ^JJa,b,c,d,e,f: Set Auxiliary Port ~JK ~JK: ZPL RFID Commands. command to see the range of values that your printer supports. This command formats an ^FD or ^SN string into a block of text using the origin, font, and rotation specified for the text string. I'm struggling to get it resize to the label within, using ZPL commands. When the command is best clarified in context, an example of the ZPL II code is provided. This command is necessary when using continuous media (media that is not divided into separate labels by gaps, spaces, notches, slots, or holes). Zebra ZPL 프린터에서 글꼴 다운로드 및 사용. The five types used (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation) are listed below. You can send instructions to the printer using multiple programming languages: EPL, ZPL, or SGD. The original language was superseded by ZPL II, but it is not fully compatible with the older version. Nov 18, 2015 · I am using Zebra GT800 label printer with a label role size with 2. ) The commands highlighted above will cover most needs. The printer stops after the current label finished printing. zpl. Any data after the ^FX command up to the next caret (^) or tilde (~) command does not have any effect on the label format. Send the ZPL command ~WC to the printer. Format: ^XA Comments: Label formats should start with the ^XA command and end with the ^XZ command to be in valid ^ZPL® format. How Commands Are Documented; Basic ZPL Exercises and Examples. Once the mode of units is set, it carries over from field to field until a new mode of units is entered. 75'. Function So i can store simple . When values BY2 is used, what it happens is bar-code is getting out of the margins of the label. Introduction to Zebra Basic Interpreter (ZBI) Printers, ZBI Keys, & ZBI Versions; Command and Function Reference Format. The examples linked throughout this document should provide a good basis for exploration and tweaking using the online ZPL viewer. Exercise 1: Specify a Location for an Entered Name. The ~PL command adds an additional amount to how far the paper is ejected during a present cycle. This procedure is possible using the following ZPL commands: ^DF The printer has the ability to set a command or a group of commands once for all receipts (or labels) that follow. Feb 27, 2024 · Additional Information: Here is an example of using the Zebra Setup Utility to communicate to the printer to disable response to the Print Mode (^MM) command: Refer to the article Zebra Setup Utilities -- Sending Printer Commands and Receiving Data to learn communicating to a printer using the Zebra Setup Utilities. Boxes and lines are used to highlight important information, divide labels into distinct areas, or improve the appearance of a label. All JSON commands are prefixed by {}. The ^FB command allows you to print text into a defined block type format. Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) is the command language used by all ZPL compatible printers. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the Dec 2, 2022 · The following ZPL command can be used to print in bold: ^XA ^A0N,30,30^FO50,50^FDNot Bold^FS ^A0N,30,30^FO50,90^FDBold Bold^FS ^A0N,30,30^FO51,90^FDBold Bold^FS ^A0N,30,30^FO52,90^FDBold Bold^FS ^XZ Jul 23, 2024 · Here are the instructions for sending commands to the printer: Zebra Setup Utilities -- Sending Printer Commands and Receiving Data. Use the command below to send using CMD: COPY /B <RAW FILE LOCATION> \\Computer-Name \printer share name Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) is a page description language from Zebra Technologies, used primarily for labeling applications. You can use the ^CF command to simplify your programs. Any ASCII character may be set as the delimiter. The command to configure a printer for ZPL is: ! U1 setvar “device. It is the opening bracket and indicates the start of a new label format. Es ist eine befehlsbasierte Sprache, die von den Druckern als Anweisungen zum Erstellen der auf die Etiketten gedruckten Bilder verwendet wird. See the ZPL Programming Guide and the Configuration Setting to Command Cross-reference to create a programming file using the appropriate commands you need for the task at hand. Command Format Description ^HL Dec 11, 2024 · Please consider adding the cut command ~JK (for printers with the cutter kit). 5' * 1. Function Sep 21, 2024 · Here are the two ZPL commands that can be used to adjust the darkness setting: Using ^MD The ^MD command adjusts the darkness relative to the current darkness setting. Print QR code from Blazor Server app to Zebra. The firmware is setup so that the ^MD and ~SD commands (ZPL darkness commands) accepts that range of settings. Because print quality is affected by media, ribbon, printing speeds, and printer operating modes, it is very important to run tests for your applications. ZPL II is supported by some non-Zebra label printers. ZPL II Programming See the ZPL Programming Guide and the Configuration Setting to Command Cross-reference to create a programming file using the appropriate commands you need for the task at hand. Reportez-vous à ce lien pour connaître le guide de programmation ZPL. create “smart” labels that meet your needs or that meet the standards necessary in EPC programming. A commercial label preparation system or a Create labels, build applications and configure Zebra printers - all with ZPL ZPL is a print language used by many label printers. zpl, for exe ^XA ^DFE:Label. A Transponder Characteristics on page 43 This section describes the differen t characteristics of some common See the ZPL Programming Guide and the Configuration Setting to Command Cross-reference to create a programming file using the appropriate commands you need for the task at hand. All internal buffers are cleared of data, and the DATA LED turns off. Changes the relative darkness for ZPL labels. Aug 10, 2024 · Sending ZPL Commands to a Printer: Methods and Instructions. Dec 14, 2021 · All USB connected Zebra Printer Model Support ZPL/CPCL/EPL. Also, you are controlling the stream so why are multiple label formats a problem? If you just want to write once to the printer put multiple labels in the string you are sending to the printer. Aug 5, 2024 · The Zebra printers can store a template on their memory and recall it to print variable data on the same layout. Each string starts with an <STX> control code and is terminated by an <ETX><CR><LF> control code sequence. Jan 25, 2017 · It takes multiple ZPL commands to print one label. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the For some applications, you may need to change the ZPL II default delimiter (,) the format command default prefix (^), and/or the control command default prefix (~). The ZPL would look as follows: ^RS8,F12,,1 ^RW15,15 When used in a ZPL format, the command appears as follows: Aug 10, 2024 · Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v10: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v10 to send ZPL files directly. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the This command is designed to be sent from the Host to the Zebra printer to find out the type of Zebra printer. Some ZPL fonts that are factory-installed in your printer cannot be copied, cloned, or restored to the printer by reloading or updating firmware. Use the printer configuration report to understand the settings that influence printer behaviors and the majority of the configuration settings that can be set using ZPL or SGD commands. If you need to disable another protocol, feel free to review the Command guide containing information on all the commands that can be used to disable network protocols: Programming Guide. This will tell the printer to print a Configuration Label. For example, a ZBI program could take control of the serial port and send label formats to the ZPL parser, while the parallel port (unopened by ZBI) could also be used to send label formats directly into the parser. The ^XA command is used at the beginning of ZPL II code. The ^FH command allows you to enter the hexadecimal value for any character directly into the ^FD statement. This section describes how commands and functions are presented in this document. Printer parameters that are persistent will be retained for future formats to use. Mar 3, 2021 · Zebra ZPL & CPCL Supported OPOS Commands Article ID:000014749 • March 3, 2021 This article provides a link to OPOS common properties, methods and events that are supported by Zebra's ZPL & CPCL OPOS printer driver. ZPL^FS ^CI0 ^PW831 ^FO664,50^GB117,1119,7^FS ^FT682,449^A0R,96,98^FB354,1,0^FH\^FDC1 RDU^FS ^FT542,50^A0R,37,36^FB234,1,0^FH\^FDCUST PART NO:^FS. Jul 9, 2020 · The allcv command contains all available settings configured on a printer. Depending on the printhead, normal dot-per-millimeter capabilities for a Zebra printer are 12 dots/mm (304 dots/inch), 8 dots/mm (203 dots/inch), or 6 dots/mm (153 dots/inch). From a Windows PC Host, you can send and receive data using the Zebra Setup Utility. zpl code and store it into SendArrayTest DB: and can print that pic with this command: But problem is when i start to create more coplex code . A commercial label preparation system or a The ZQ600 Plus series printers use Zebra’s CPCL, ZPL, or EPL Programming languages designed for mobile printing applications. I would like to know if it is possible to obtain this response using a PYTHON script. Function The print speed is application-specific. For example, changing the speed setting with EPL will also change the speed set for ZPL Aug 12, 2024 · Programming Guide: ZPL II, ZBI 2, Set-Get-Do, Mirror, WML Using the ZebraNet Print Server Web Page to Configure a Permanent IP Address ZebraNet Print Server: Install, Setup, Configure, and Troubleshoot on a Wired Network Jul 23, 2024 · NOTE This value is not supported on Xi4, RXi4, ZM400/ZM600, RZ400/RZ600, and S4M printers. from zebra import Zebra Zebra("S4M"). It is recommended to use ZebraDesigner Version 3 to design the label and the “Print to file” option to get the ZPL code to modify. command doubles the format size of the label. Using ZPL commands: ~JA The ~JA command cancels all format commands in the buffer. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the Oct 13, 2022 · Zebraプログラミング言語 (ZPL)は、すべての ZPL 互換プリンターで使用されるコマンド言語です。これは、ラベルに印刷されるイメージを作成するための指示として、プリンターで使用されるコマンド ベースの言語です。 Oct 13, 2022 · Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) ist die Befehlssprache, die von allen ZPL-kompatiblen Druckern verwendet wird. ^XZ End Format All JSON commands should follow the JSON specification for escaping, spacing, etc. If these license-restricted ZPL fonts are removed using an explicit ZPL object delete command, they must be repurchased and reinstalled using a font activation and installation utility. However, for those who started developing ZBI applications before ZBI‑Developer, the following reference will be helpful. Apprenez à créer vos propres étiquettes à l'aide de ZPL en passant en revue les exercices ci-dessous : Exercices et exemples ZPL de base 1; Exercices et exemples ZPL de base 2 This section is reserved for notes that are of value to a programmer, warnings of potential command interactions, or command-specific information that should be taken into consideration. It is a command based language used by the printers as instructions to create the images printed on the labels. How Commands Are Documented ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head Make sure all these fields print in the same font and size and left side of fields has same vertical alignment. Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v10: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v10 to send ZPL files directly. Jul 15, 2021 · Zebra tabletop and desktop printers use ZPL, so it may be advantageous to have your printer monitor for ZPL. ^FO sets the upper-left corner of the field area by defining points along the x-axis and y-axis independent of the rotation. Zebra Setup Utilities: This tool allows you to send raw ZPL code directly to the Aug 10, 2024 · Here are three methods to send ZPL commands to a printer: ZDesigner Driver v5 or v10: Utilize the "Send file" option in the ZDesigner driver v5 or v10 to send ZPL files directly. ZPL II, ZBI 2, Set-Get-Do, Mirror, WML Programming Guide; Introduction. The ~JD command initiates Diagnostic Mode, which produces an ASCII printout (using current label length and full width of printer) of all characters received by the printer. Refer to Zebra Setup Utilities -- Sending Printer Commands and Receiving Data. This command follows the conventions for any other field, meaning a field orientation is included. This can be accomplished using the ^MU command. An example of code using the Aug 10, 2024 · The Communications Window of the Zebra Setup Utilities (ZSU) can send printer commands directly to the printer's port and receive data back to the host. Questo articolo contiene collegamenti a manuali, esempi e informazioni specifiche relative ai comandi ZPL. To enable device languages the following commands should be issued. The following commands were written before the development of the ZBI-Developer application. label_length Solutions 07/29/2005 ZPL Programming Guide Volume One 45541L-002 Rev. Ensure to use the selected port in the ZDesigner Driver for the printer. A standard amount of 50 mm is always added to clear the kiosk wall. com. Procedure: Oct 13, 2022 · Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) to język poleceń używany przez wszystkie drukarki zgodne z ZPL. are used to configure printer settings to specific values by setting them in the printer The ^BQ command produces a matrix symbology consisting of an array of nominally square modules arranged in an overall square pattern. The ^LL will be ignored if you are using NON-CONTINUOUS gap/mark media. The ^FL command provides the ability to link any TrueType font, including private character fonts, to associated fonts. The legacy EPL programming language (supported by this printer) changes and saves individual commands immediately. I tried with several values in bold text which I read in the user guide of ZPL, but no success. Zebra Printers that support ZPL Excludes: 2824 Series, 2844 Series, S4M (E53 Firmware Version), 888 DD/TT Oct 15, 2019 · The ^MU command sets the units of measurement the printer uses. languages” “ZPL” A base numerical expression can be either a constant, variable, or another numerical expression enclosed in parentheses. 07/29/2005 ZPL Programming Guide Volume One 45541L-002 Rev. Jan 25, 2022 · ^FX: Comment The ^FX command is useful when you want to add non-printing informational comments or statements within a label format. Function This is an interactive command that takes effect as soon as it is received by the printer. See the instructions below. The ^GF command allows you to download graphic field data directly into the printer’s bitmap storage area. If the original label contains commands such as ^LL, ^LS, ^LT and ^PF, the inverted label output is affected differently. This data is lengthy and is best captured using the Zebra Printer Setup Utility and then exported to a file. Format: ~DBd:o. The ZPL printer is designed to allow you to change printer settings dynamically for fast first label out printing. ZPL® Command Reference ZPL® Basic ^XA Start Format Description: The ^XA command is used at the beginning of ZPL® code, It is the opening bracket and indicates the start of a new label format. Function When the host sends ~HS to the printer, the printer sends three data strings back. This document contains links to manuals, examples, and specific information related to specific ZPL commands. ZPL Commands. Some sensor values in the middle of the report (1) are used primarily used for service purposes. It controls the number of labels to print, the number of labels printed before the printer pauses, and the number of replications of each serial number. output("""^XA~FDHello World^XZ""") # print label I checked in the zebra documentation that the ~HS command returns some status information, and this actually happens. A negative value moves the format towards the top of the label; a positive value moves the format away from the top of the label. Control commands may be sent in a group or separately. How Commands Are Documented ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are May 23, 2012 · Zebra MZ320 printing zpl commands as text. This article contains links to manuals, examples and specific information related to ZPL Commands. Function Oct 13, 2022 · Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) è il linguaggio di comando utilizzato da tutte le stampanti compatibili con ZPL. The ^GB command is used to draw boxes and lines as part of a label format. A Contents Zebra Technologies Corporation. Zebra Setup Utilities (ZSU) can be used to send programming files to the printer. First, set the cutting mode to Delayed: ^XA^MMD^XZ Then, print any number of labels (at least one, and make sure it does not contain a different ^MM command) and issue this command at the end of printing, or right after: ~JK ZPL RFID Commands ^HL or ~HL ^HR ^RB ^RF ^RL ^RS ^RU ^RW; ZPL Wireless Commands ^KC ^NB ^NN ^NP ^NT ^NW ^WA ^WE ^WL - Set Leap ~WL - Print Network ^WP ^WR - Set Transmit ~WR - Reset Wireless ^WS ^WX; ZBI Commands. 07/27/2005 ZPL II Programming Guide 45542L-002 Rev. ZPL II is a powerful label-definition and printer-control language. The label appears to be printed upside down. zrhk uchdfp yzjd tjbnrkle fhnqjo wmluym efokgp guvwy rwn dpiof