Togo religion 2021 Togo’s population is estimated to have grown to four times its size between 1960 and 2010. On November 15, 2021, the Secretary of State redesignated China as a CPC and identified the following sanction that accompanied the designation: the existing expafr@msu. [13] However, relations between religious groups and the authorities have not always been positive. 9 million (July 2017 estimate). Since 1999, China has been designated as a CPC under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 for having engaged in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom. " In 1884, Germany declared a region including present-day Togo as a protectorate called Togoland. 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016. During the outbreak of First World War in 1914, Togo was drawn into a conflict. If the initial answer was "Protestant" or "Christian" further questions were asked to probe which particular denomination. Dec 16, 2020 路 Un Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitat (RGPH) est annoncé pour l’an 2021 au Togo afin de disposer des informations sur l’état général de l’habitat et du cadre de vie The U. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush talks with Dr. Feb 22, 2024 路 - Actualités et Infos en direct au Togo et dans le Monde RELIGIONS Archives - Page 3 sur 6 - Journal du Togo Dernière Mise à jour : 22 février 2024 à 10h04 GMT Nov 29, 2024 路 A cliché the Voodoo practitioners of Togo and Benin in West Africa desperately want to get rid of. 6 in urban 馃嚬馃嚞 Togo, Voodoo (traditional religion) is practiced by 17% of the population and is recognized as an official religion. Official recognition as a religious association provides these groups the same rights as those afforded to the three recognized religions, including import duty exemptions for humanitarian and development projects. ) Population Growth 2. This article documents Tchamba vodu through Togo 2024, CIA World Factbook Introduction History Geography Government Environment Maps Population Flags Religion Economy Climate Energy 2023 2022 2021 2020 Aug 2, 2021 路 Les travaux de réhabilitation de la route Lomé-Vogan-Anfoin ont pris fin depuis quelques semaines. Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Protestant Christianity are recognized by the state as religions; other groups must register as religious associations to receive similar benefits. Des voyages en solo ou en petits groupes sur les nouvelles destinations du Togo. 7% in 2017 to 45. Login; Get Started #1 source for any calendar needs. 2 million (July 2018 estimate). 2021. Christianity is the largest religion in Ghana, with 71. [citation needed] The constitution prohibits religious discrimination, specifies separation of religion and state as an unalterable principle, and stipulates equality under the law for all, regardless of religion. The majority of the population of Togo (51%) adhere to the traditional African beliefs. According to a 2009 estimate by the University of Lome, the most recent data available, the population is 43. 6 million (midyear 2020 estimate). With nearly 60% of its populace under the age of 25 and a high annual growth rate attributed largely to high fertility, Togo’s population is likely to continue to expand for the foreseeable future. Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism are recognised by the state; other groups must register as religious associations to receive similar benefits. The incidence of poverty fell from 53. Togo is a Unisex Name pronounced as TOH-goh and means The name Togo doesn't have a specific meaning beyond its origin, which is the West African country of Togo. Hindu Festivals; Religious freedom is constitutionally protected and generally respected in practice. etymology: derived from the Ewe words "to" (river) and "godo" (on the other side) to give the sense of "on the other side of the river"; originally, this designation applied to the town of Togodo (now Togoville) on the northern shore of Lake Togo, but the name was eventually extended to the entire nation Jul 22, 2021 路 La Galerie Found in Africa à Lomé, au Togo, incarne cette intimité entre l’art et la religion. 8 percent declare no religious Apr 22, 2021 路 Le 6 avril 2021 : Mise au point du G8 sur le processus de consultation des Organisations de la Société Civile (OSC). A person's religion is often the main source of their ethical and moral beliefs. . 7% TOGO LEGAL FRAMEWORK ON FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND ACTUAL APPLICATION The Constitution of the Togolese Republic Religion of Togo. Almost half of the population are Christians (44%), with Catholics in the majority. ^ US State Dept 2021 report , Retrieved 2023-4-25 ^ Freedom House, Retrieved 2023-04-25 Christian 58. Dec 19, 2023 路 French Togoland became Togo upon independence in 1960. Official recognition as a religious association affords these groups the same rights as those afforded to the three recognized religions, including import duty exemptions for humanitarian and development projects. There are around 80. Togo Religion, Economy and Politics. Emmanuel Adebayor accorde une bourse d’études au 1er du Togo (BAC 2022 /Série A4) L’ex-capitaine des Eperviers du Togo, Emmanuel Sheyi Adebayor a rencontré, dans la journée d’hier jeudi, le 1er du Togo au BAC série A4, session de 2022. 0 Baptist 0. Einwohner (Stand 2021). "Constitution du Togo, 1992" [Constitution of Togo, 1992]. 02 / Select Sections Select All Religious Freedom in the World Report 2021 TOGO RELIGIONS Christians Area 56,785 Km2 GDP per capita 1,430 US$ Population 8,384,291 GINI INDEX* *Economic Inequality 43. 12. edu. Robert P. « 40 ans de pratiques bouddhiques au service de la paix à travers l’éducation et la culture » : c’est le thème au centre de cet évènement porté à la connaissance des professionnels des médias ce 04 avril 2024 au siège de l’organisation à Lomé. L’agence Voyages Modestes propose depuis 10 ans des voyages sur mesure dans tout le Togo. 0 Anglican 0. Elproduktionen 2021 uppgick till 847 GWh, med en elkonsumtion på 0,18 MWh per capita. 9%, folk religion 17. 6 percent practice Voodoo, 2. 9% of the total population. 6 percent are members of indigenous religious groups, 2. 180 between 2009 and 2020. Depuis 1997, le Togo est d'ailleurs membre de l'Organisation de la coopération islamique, la deuxième plus grande organisation après les Nations unies. With an estimated population of 8,644,829 (as of 2021), Togo is the 107th largest country by population. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique process which involves a review of the human rights records of all UN Member States. 5 percent of the population is Christian, 27. Acolatse Those often called “Chefs Féticheurs” (high priest of a Fetish) carry the title Hounnon, Houngan, Houngbonon, or Hounnongan depending on . Feb 23, 2024 路 La Galerie Found in Africa à Lomé, au Togo, incarne cette intimité entre l’art et la religion. 41,7 % der Menschen sind unter 15 Jahre alt, nur 2,7 % sind über 65-jährig. TOGO 3 International Religious Freedom Report for 2021 United States Department of State • Office of International Religious Freedom By law, religious groups must request permission to conduct large nighttime celebrations, particularly those likely to block city streets or involve loud ceremonies in residential areas. 1 million (midyear 2021). Then the proceed on to a more in-depth data cleaning, coding and editing to have the final data ready for tabulating of the census results. The U. This is the reason why 51% of the country’s population has indigenous belief or ancestor worship called voodoo, while the Christian and Muslim populations consist of 20% and 19%, respectively. Nov 17, 2021 路 Religion; Togo : un passe sanitaire pour accéder aux lieux de culte à partir du 3 décembre « Cette mesure qui deviendra effective à partir du 3 décembre 2021 est indispensable pour Togo is a republic governed by President Faure Gnassingbe, whom voters peacefully re-elected in February 2020 in a process that international observers characterized as generally free and fair. Released on 17 September, the ‘Prayer and Statement of the Conference of Bishops of Togo in Support of Reform The Social Hostilities Index (SHI) is based on 13 questions used by the Pew Forum to gauge hostilities both between and within religious groups, including mob or sectarian violence, crimes motivated by religious bias, physical conflict over conversions, harassment over attire for religious reasons, and other religion-related intimidation and violence, including terrorism and war. Togo is a fairly religiously diverse nation, with significant numbers in a variety of different religion- although the proportions of these are debated. Opposition supporters alleged fraud but did not provide any credible evidence. Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion among the Christian population. À Lomé, la Galerie « Found in Africa» – trouvés en Afrique — représente une porte d’entrée dans l’art africain à partir d’une riche collection. A religion is a system of faith or worship that influences the way a person thinks about, views, and interacts with the world. mw-parser-output Enter your email address and receive notifications of new posts by email. Togo’s history. Foreign-based religious groups seeking to establish a presence in the country must have at least 500 members to qualify. The name Togo originates from the West African country of Togo. Le conseil a examiné cinq (05) avant-projets de loi et écouté trois (03) communications. According to a 2004 estimate by the University of Lome, the most recent data available, the population is 48 percent Christian, 33 percent traditional animist, 14 percent Sunni Muslim, and 5 percent followers of other religions. Die grössten Volksgruppen sind die Ewé und die Kabyié. L’islam, une religion importée du Sahara. 6 percent are members of other religious groups, and 5. [ 112 ] According to a Demographic and Health Surveys nationwide survey, the total fertility rate stood at 4. 7% Ethnoreligionists 32. [2] In 1985, the Togolese Catholic Church received a pastoral visit from Pope John Paul II. Dec 6, 2019 路 Dans les diocèses du Togo, les femmes sont très actives et rendent de nombreux services. In Togo, the opposition movement behind the anti-government protests that broke out in 2017–2018 appears to reflect a greater role for Islam in politics. gov. Build a Custom Report. Most of the population (65%) live in rural villages dedicated to Shango or Sango is the Yoruba orisha of thunder and lightning of the Yoruba mythology. 7 percent is Muslim (mostly Sunni), 11. A powerful deity both respected and feared in the Yoruba religion existing in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and the African diaspora (Americas and Caribbean). The ranking was released in December 2021. Religions. Togo- Mariage d’enfant: « Justine » n’a pas survécu; L’attaquant togolais Kévin Denkey accueilli chaleureusement à Cincinnati, aux États-Unis; Togo – Unité de l’opposition face au régime : Encore des espoirs déçus ? Togo – Crise sociopolitique et économique: Le constat alarmant dressé par la DMP ^ "Togo 2021 International Religious Freedom Report" (PDF). Mais occupent-elles assez de postes de responsabilité ? La Croix Africa a mené l’enquête. EINWOHNER: Der kleine westafrikanische Staat hat ca. Un tour opérateur totalement indépendant qui promeut un tourisme à échelle 5 days ago 路 Rabbi Shalom Lubin, spiritual leader at Chaya Ahavat Torah in Parsippany and head of Chabad of Southeast Morris County, will cast a spotlight on how to balance health-related concerns with Distribution (in percentage) of religious groups, Togo (Village), 2021; Religious groups 2021 Buddhist 0. 6 percent traditional animist, 14 percent Sunni Muslim, and 5 percent followers of other religions. The religion was introduced by indigenous Africans based in Accra , Ghana , and a branch of the Hindu Monastery of Africa has been established in Lomé . government estimates the total population at 13. 51% (2021 est. II- CONSTATS SUR L’AVANT-PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE LA LOI 1901 DE 2016 A 2021 Togo The Human Capital Index (HCI) database provides data at the country level for each of the components of the Human Capital Index as well as for the overall index, disaggregated by gender. 7 million inhabitants. mw-parser-output . 5 Mio. Mount Agou (Baumann Peak), which rises to about 3,235 feet (986 metres), is the highest mountain in Togo. Togo – WWL 2024 Full Country Dossier – March 2024 3 Introduction World Watch List 2024 Rank Country Private life Family life Community life National life Church life Violence Total Score WWL 2024 Total Score WWL 2023 Total Score WWL 2022 Total Score WWL 2021 Total Score WWL 2020 Sep 27, 2021 路 La Conférence épiscopale du Togo a publié, vendredi 24 septembre, un message très critique sur la gestion de la pandémie de Covid-19. A 2020 Pew Forum survey estimates approximately 63 percent of the population identifies as Christian, 34 percent as Muslim, and 5 percent practice other religions. SPRACHEN: Die Amtssprache ist Französisch. Content in this archive site is NOT UPDATED, and links may not function. Sep 18, 2021 路 Population: 8,283,189 (July 2021 est. 35 1: No image: Add to cart Jonathan Frederick Togo (born August 25, 1977) is an American actor, In March 2021, Baker gave birth to their first child, a daughter. For many believers, religion is a source of great comfort, perhaps even purpose. En Togo, la religión predominante es el cristianismo, con un 29% de la población identificándose como católicos y un 14% como protestantes. 7 percent Christian, 33. All religious groups must register with the government and apply for authorization to open places of worship. ) Definition: This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. Ewé und Kabyié sind die beiden Nationalsprachen Sep 10, 2021 路 Le Conseil des ministres s’est réuni ce jeudi 09 septembre 2021 sous la présidence du chef de l’État, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé. Country Scott # Item Cond Price Qty Image Buy; Togo. Religious Demography. Most of the population (65%) live in rural villages dedicated to agriculture or pastures. 11 DAYS BENIN & TOGO: AFRICAN CEREMONIES 07TH – 17TH JANUARY 2021 Witness the colorful Vodoun Festival in Benin, mask ceremonies and the fire dance in Togo. Le nouveau poste de péage installé (sur le tronçon Lomé-Vogan) à Kpomé est aussi ouvert aux usagers dès ce lundi 2 août 2021. 1% Christians 18. In the 2021 Gender Inequality Index, Togo scored 0. Avec près de 20 % de musulmans, l'islam est la troisième religion du pays. This article aims to present statistical information on the number of adherents to various religions, including major faiths such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and others, as well as smaller religious communities. Because of superstitious Voodoo, some communities believe that photography steals part of the soul. According to an estimate in the 2014 General Population and Housing Census, the most recent data available, the population is 47. [111] The first national census in 1975 counted 6. The vast majority of Muslims in Togo are Sunni of Maliki school of jurisprudence, some Ahmadiyya and Shia Muslims. TOGO 2023 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Executive Summary The constitution specifies the state is secular and protects the rights of all citizens to exercise their religious beliefs, consistent with the nation’s laws. expafr@msu. legendpage-break-insideavoidbreak-insideavoid-column. This article ethnographically documents beliefs and practices surrounding Tchamba vodu among Anlo-Ewe vodu adepts in southern Togo. Office for National Statistics logo Census 2021 Le mouvement bouddhiste Soka Gakkaï International Togo célèbre ses 40 ans d’existence dans le pays. 3%, folk religion 36. Apr 3, 2018 路 The Major Religions Practised In Togo A map showing Togo's location on a map of Africa. Area. [citation needed] TOGO 2021 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Executive Summary The constitution specifies the state is secular and protects the rights of all citizens to exercise their religious beliefs, consistent with the nation’s laws. 2023 Report on International Religious Freedom: Togo. AbeThe population census Preliminary result was released in December 2021 straight after the data collection. government estimates the total population at 7. government estimates the total population at 8. Togo importerade ungefär 54 procent av sin el. Any new, independent religious group based in the country must have a minimum of 300 members to qualify. 3 million (midyear 2021). I was told numerous times here that Voodoo is not practised to harm people but only to heal and to do good and visiting the Voodoo market of Lome in Togo taught me a little bit more about this fascinating religion. Archived from the original on 7 June 2021. Of its 8 million population, the majority are estimated to be Christian (43%), with a large proportion following traditional animist religions (35%), and a further 14% Sunni Muslims. Dec 21, 2022 路 Estimated religious composition of 198 countries and territories for 2010 to 2050 Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050 | Pew Research Center Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World The law regulating religious groups provides additional specific registration requirements. Jan 1, 2023 路 Distribution of children aged 12-23 months in Benin (2017-2018) and Togo (2017) according to the religious affiliation of the mother and the head of household. Other cities in Togo according to the new census were Sokodé (95,070), Kara (94,878), Kpalimé (75,084), Atakpamé (69,261), Dapaong (58,071) and Tsévié (54,474). Dec 25, 2024 路 List of the 2021 Togo holidays or Togo festivals for 2021. Lomé: Government of Togo. According to the 2012 census, 55 percent of the native-born population is Catholic, 32 percent Protestant (of whom approximately 33 percent belong to evangelical Christian churches), and 2 percent Muslim. Office of International Religious Freedom. Togo means ‘house of sea’ in the Ewe language. Dec 20, 2021 路 From the 11th to the 16th centuries, various ethnic groups settled the Togo region. 5% in 2019 at the national level, according to the EHCVM survey (2018 – 2019). Hinduism is a recent phenomenon in Togo. Most of the population (65%) live in rural villages dedicated to government events. Jones, president of the Public Religion Research Institute, about the rewriting of history around the January 6, 2021 Vaccination, “Zero-Dose” Children, Religion, Evidence, DHS, MICS, Benin, Togo 1. Mama Tchamba, or Grandmother Slave, is a religious order devoted to the veneration of the spirits of slaves purchased by the ancestors of Tchamba adepts and sold or kept in the community as wives and mothers. 4 million (midyear 2019 estimate). The index measures the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by age 18, given the risks of poor health and poor education Feb 10, 2022 路 Au Togo, un prêtre du diocèse d’Aného, Joseph Bassitome, a demandé à quitter l’état clérical, pendant le processus de gestion d’une affaire le concernant, relative à des pratiques de religion traditionnelle africaine. 2019 [14 October 1992]. The UPR is a State-driven process, under the auspices of the Human Rights Council, which provides the opportunity for each State to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries and to fulfil their human rights Apr 12, 2023 路 Au Togo où la population actuelle est de plus 8 millions d’habitants (1), on dénombrait en 2021, environ 43 % de chrétiens, 35 % de croyants de religions traditionnelles, 14 % de musulmans et 6 % d’autres croyants. TOGO 2020 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Author: U. 11. 6%, Buddhist <1%, Hindu <1%, Jewish <1%, Muslim <1%, other <1%, none 23. Jun 21, 2021 路 Bordering Ghana and Benin, Togo is one of the most densely populated countries in Africa. ) is composed of about 21 ethnic groups, the two biggest being the Tèm in the Centre (Bafilo, Sokodé, Sotouboua (about 22% of the population); they also live in Ghana and Bénin in big numbers. A very hight percentage of population, 99. According to the 2013 census (the most recent), 48. Les prières se fondent, entre autres, sur la réconciliation nationale et le pardon de Dieu d¶une part, et, dautre part, le pardon et l¶union entre les filles et fils du Togo. Togo is a republic governed by President Faure Gnassingbe, whom voters peacefully re-elected in 2020 in a process international observers characterized as generally free and fair. Dec 10, 2024 路 The Religious Services Amendment to the Texas Constitution says that the state or a political subdivision of the state “may not enact, adopt or issue a statute, order, proclamation, decision, or Mar 26, 2024 路 Un panneau d’affichage du président Faure Gnassingbé, candidat à la présidence d’UNIR (Union pour la République), dans une rue de Lomé, au Togo, le 19 février 2020. government estimates the total population at 62. 75%, consider themselves religious. Nous y fournissons de nombreuses explications et détails par pays qui vont bien au-delà de cette comparaison. The population of Togo shows a stronger growth: from 1961 (the year after independence) to 2003 it quintupled. 580, an improvement on 2019 when Togo scored 0. Togo, located in West Africa, encompasses an area of 57,000 square km and hosts a population of about 7. En este artículo, exploraremos las principales religiones y prácticas espirituales presentes en Togo, así como su impacto en la sociedad togolesa. Government of Togo, European Union Togo – WWL 2022 Full Country Dossier – February 2022 3 Introduction World Watch List 2022 Rank Country Private life Family life Community life National life Church life Violence Total Score WWL 2022 Total Score WWL 2021 Total Score WWL 2020 Total Score WWL 2019 Total Score WWL 2018 Mar 30, 2021 路 Au Togo, le népotisme, les trafics d’influence, les pots-de-vin… relèvent de l’ordinaire. read more Histoire du Togo. The religion of the spouse or partner was also asked. 01 / Select a Year. 9%, Muslim 14%, Hindu <1%, Buddhist <1%, Jewish <1%, other <1%, none 6. 2021: Mars 2024: Direction des statistiques agricoles, de l’informatique et de la documentation (DISD) / Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et du développement rural (MAEDR) ND: Rapport de suivi de la situation alimentaire, nutritionnelle et analyse de la vulnérabilité au Togo (Cadre Harmonisé) - 1 er semestre 2021: Semestrielle With an estimated population of 8,644,829 (as of 2021), Togo is the 107th largest country by population. Census maps is an interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data across England and Wales for different topics down to a neighbourhood level. It respects all political opinions, philosophical [opinions] as well as all religious beliefs. [2] Islam is practised by 19. Although Vodún2 is prevalent and is the centerpiece of this article, Christianity is the dominant religion throughout coastal Western Africa, while Islam directs religion in much of the Sahel and north. Explore two magical West African countries - friendly people, beautiful landscapes, misterious rituals! A spectacular journey with travel photographer Catherina Unger 07th January - Cotonou Other cities in Togo according to the new census were Sokodé (95,070), Kara (94,878), Kpalimé (75,084), Atakpamé (69,261), Dapaong (58,071) and Tsévié (54,474). Oct 25, 2021 路 Terrorisme au Burkina Faso : Cinq VDP tués près du Togo selon l’AFP; Togo / La République neuve et ses avatars Projet de loi de finances 2025: Le cadet des soucis de l’exécutif togolais; Togo- Le déblocage politique, la réconciliation, les prédictions de Dr Katé (vidéo) Recrudescence de cas de Métapneumovirus humain : La Chine rassure Rapport d’activités 2020 7 SIGLES ET ACRONYMES AAEC : Afrique Arc-En-Ciel ABDH : Approche Basée sur les Droits de l’Homme ACDIEF : Action Collective pour le Développement Intégral de According to the 14 December 2021 census, the population was 29,389,150, [4] up from 22,671,331 at the 2014 census. 6 million people. ces prières étaient célébrées par toutes les confessions religieuses au Togo : religion du terroir, religion chrétienne et religion musulmane. For current information, go to www. Department of State Created Date: 5/7/2021 5:18:24 PM Jun 9, 2021 路 Population of Togo 2021 | As per the World Population Prospects, the population of Togo in 2020 is 8,278,737 (83 Lakhs) When the sociopolitical crisis broke out in August 2017, the Conférence des Évêques du Togo (CET; Conference of Bishops of Togo) was the first religious organisation to issue an official statement on the situation in the country. Togo had a great railway network during the reign of the German. 2 percent traditional animist, 18. Most of the population (65%) live in rural villages dedicated to Dec 11, 2023 路 El-hadj Boukari, also known as Modjolobo, was a religious leader who empowered the youth of Sokodé from 1950 until his death. Kalumbu Cette comparaison entre pays est un aperçu succinct, sous forme de tableau, de nombreuses données issues de nos pages nationales respectives pour le Maroc et le Togo. Togo's population of 8. The religion of Togo has remained faithful to the country’s pagan history. read more Dec 22, 2022 路 Demographic profile. 6 percent traditional animist, 14 percent Sunni Muslim, and 5 percent followers of other religious groups. 5% Muslims 0. The capital city Lomé is located along the Gulf of Guinea . 6 The Togolese Republic assures the equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, of race, of sex, of social condition or of religion. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, the coastal region became a major slave trading center and the surrounding region took on the name of "The Slave Coast. Dr. Dernière Mise à jour : 25 juillet 2024 à 18h53 GMT Sep 18, 2021 路 Religions: Christian 42. La plupart des citoyens se trouvent appauvris par ces dépenses supplémentaires, tandis que les Sep 18, 2021 路 Complete profile for Togo. 3 percent Sunni Muslim, and less than 1 percent followers of other religious groups. View all national symbols of Togo and more! - Actualités et Infos en direct au Togo et dans le Monde. ) Religion Christian 42. 3 children per woman in 2021 (with 3. Christian 42. state. C397a: Religion in Togo souvenir sheet: NH $ 1. Lomé, im Süden von Togo . Nearly 40 different West African languages are spoken in the multilingual country, including Gbe dialects like Ewé, Gur and Kabiyé. "Ma Commune et Moi: Guide des citoyennes et citoyens togolais" [My Commune and I: Guide for Togolese citizens] (PDF) (in French). Le 9 avril 2021 : Atelier de validation du processus de consultations de certaines organisations par la plateforme virtuelle « Espace Civique ». 573 and significantly better than Togo’s average score of 0. Digithèque MJP (in French). [2] Islam came to Togo about the same time as it did much of West Africa. May 16, 2023 路 As in 2021, the MTA met with religious leaders to discuss the management of religious services in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. 3% of the population belonging to various Christian denominations as of 2021 census. le 27/09/2021 à 14:53; Religion; Le Vatican veut Jan 20, 2022 路 (Togo First) - Togo moved up two places in the latest Human Freedom Index 2021, a report that measures the level of individual, civil, and economic freedom in 165 jurisdictions and states around the world. Cancel Religious Calendar. 4 million (midyear 2021). 2% (2020 est. The core characteristics and beliefs of the world's Togo, secara rasminya digelar Republik Togo, ialah sebuah negara di Afrika Barat yang menyempadani Ghana di barat, Benin di timur, dan Burkina Faso di utara. Religiones principales en Togo. In 2022, Freedom House rated Togo's religious freedom as 3 out of 4, [6] noting that religious freedom is constitutionally protected and generally respected in practice. [6] Ia tidak sahaja merupakan antara negara terkecil dalam benua Afrika [ 7 ] malah berjarak tersempit sebanyak 115 kilometer persegi. Togo has a population of 7. Geography. 0 Togo (officially the Togolese Republic, in French: République togolaise) is a small country in West Africa. 64 million people (2021 est. About one third of the sample was asked more detailed demographic questions. Kalumbu Section I. ) note: estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, higher death rates, lower population growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected The list of religious populations article provides a comprehensive overview of the distribution and size of religious groups around the world. The government maintained law enforcement efforts. Jun 19, 2020 路 State of Belief host Rev. For example, the DRA convened a series of meetings with religious contacts throughout August to discuss initiatives to reduce the number of COVID-19 infections. Religion in Togo Arda 2020 estimate1. 8. Exploring Africa African Studies Center Michigan State University 427 N. Dec 15, 2024 路 Part of a chain that begins in the Akwapim Hills of Ghana (see Akwapim-Togo ranges), the range ends in Benin, where it is known as the Atakora Mountains. 75%. The latest survey data indicate believers share of Togo population, has increase to 99. Many different religions exist throughout the world. Religious Self-Identification of the US Adult Population: 1990, 2001, 2008 [115] Jul 2, 2021 路 According to most figures, some 33% of the roughly eight million people who live in the Sub-Saharan nation on the Gulf of Guinea are members of Traditional African Religion. government events. 9%, Muslim 14%, Hindu Caritas Togo is the official aid organisation of the Catholic Church in Togo. Des séjours confectionnés par de véritables spécialistes à des tarifs ultra négociés. On 8 April 2014, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments confirmed Saint John Paul II as the patron saint of Togo. read more Jun 7, 2021 路 ‘Good Muslim, bad Muslim’ in Togo: religious minority identity construction amid a sociopolitical crisis (2017–2018) June 2021 The Journal of Modern African Studies 59(2):197-217 Category: Religion Chefs Fétichistes, Edition A. Tèms have a lot ties with 2/3 of the country as they live in the center of Togo. Näst största del stod vattenkraften för (19,3 %), följt av olja (7,9 %) och solenergi (6,7 %). 9 million people (in 2021); the capital and largest city is Lomé. La voie est désormais praticable. In January 2021, police from the Central Service of Criminal Investigations (SRIC) arrested four trade unionists from the trade union Synergie des Travailleurs du Togo (STT) without warrants. It provides for freedom of conscience, religion, worship, and expression of faith consistent with public order, social peace, and national unity. I posit a central conceptualization 2017-2021 ARCHIVED CONTENT You are viewing ARCHIVED CONTENT released online from January 20, 2017 to January 20, 2021. 9%, Muslim 14%, Hindu <1%, Buddhist <1% TOGO GEOGRAPHY Area Total: 56,785 sq km (July 2021 est. Starting in the 16th century, Togo and the surrounding area was known as "the Slave Coast" as it became a trading center for Europeans looking for slaves. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Subject: TOGO 2020 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Keywords: Togo, 2020, International Religious Freedom Report, IRFR, State Department, U. Shaw Lane, Room 100 East Lansing, MI 48824. The World Council of Churches held a meeting in Togo in 2021 to develop programmes against gender-based violence for children. Il était une fois September 23, 2019 Histoire du Togo, Il était une fois was a state-commissioned propaganda comic book relating the heroism and adventures of Gnassingbé . Includes country demographics, geography, government, economy, telecommunications, transportation, military, and transnational issues. It is bordered by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. 000 or 1% Hindus in Togo in 2022. Also that month, eight members of the teacher’s union, Syndicat des Enseignants du Togo (SET), were detained after calling for a teachers strike. [32] Produktionen av el 2021 utgjordes till största del av naturgas (65,7 %). Christianity is the Togo's top religion, around 48% of the population. Introduction Vaccination is a simple, safe and effective means of protecting an individual (2021) and 8. 7 percent Christian, 35. Apr 19, 2019 路 Togo’s population is challenged with parasitic, venereal, intestinal and respiratory health problems. 1 Other 48. Retrieved 17 March 2023. With an estimated population of 8,644,829 (as of 2021 [update]), Togo is the 107th largest country by population. As in 2021, the MTA met with religious leaders to discuss the management of religious services in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. All religious groups must register as religious associations with the accusations and acts of violence—oft absent in modern-day Togo. Islam in Togo represents 18% [1] to over a third (33%) of the total population. ) note: folk religions include religions of African origin, spiritualism, and others intermingled with Catholicism or Protestantism; data is estimative because no authoritative source on religious affiliation exists in Cuba Feb 4, 2022 路 JOURNAL DE TV2 du 04 02 22 - POLITIQUE/RELIGION : Prière musulmane pour le repos de l'âme de Feu GNASSINGBÉ EYADEMA - SOCIÉTÉ : Les Actions de la Personnalité de l'Année 2021 - HYGIÈNE BUCCO-DENTAIRE Apr 10, 2023 路 Au Togo où la population actuelle est de plus 8 millions d’habitants (1), on dénombrait en 2021, environ 43 % de chrétiens, 35 % de croyants de religions traditionnelles, 14 % de musulmans et 6 % d’autres croyants. The law requires all other religious groups , including indigenous groups, to register as religious associations. Togo became independent from France in1960. French is the official language. S. Articles 317 through 320 of the penal code criminalized sex trafficking and labor trafficking and prescribed penalties of 10 to 20 years’ imprisonment and fines between 10 million and 50 million West African CFA francs (FCFA) ($18,900 and $94,520) for offenses involving an adult victim, and 20 to 30 years’ imprisonment and fines between 20 Shango or Sango is the Yoruba orisha of thunder and lightning of the Yoruba mythology. Beyond the Togo Mountains to the north lies the Oti River sandstone plateau. Jan 30, 2016 路 Abstract. government estimates the total population at 5. Isaac G. vlnv svxwq httzl tqp ljsmbmb pyogl ramwqbqh ifkd qxghxee yxcpk