Python for physics reddit You can use Python libraries such as matplotlib with NumPy, it is good at creating 2D models. You’ll want to setup your independent variables using numpy. We are physicists, we should be able to focus on physics which is counter to wanting Windows in the first place. I want to learn some more programming over the summer since I heard it's good for a physics career (specifically Python because I have some basic skills in it). See the rules before posting, and the subreddit wiki for common… The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. I assume the former focus more on all aspect of Python without going too deep like the latter. meshgrid then calculate p(x,z) for each point. I'm in experimental particle physics and I spend around 90% of my time coding in python and C++. So we're basically splitting into two teams : the first in rust that makes the stable version and a the second one use python to test things. While I somewhat agree with the comment from r/python in that there has been a lot of work in Python, and understanding python will help in your interaction with other people's code, I strongly believe you will be more successful with Julia. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython I'm learning python to assist in my studies later as I start MechE in college, and I was told that I could use python to validate computationally my solutions to certain problems / questions. Reply Python shines because it is readable and easy to prototype in, so you can tinker with the code as needed while you analyze your data. My university has an honors sequence that revolves around using python in everything and that is the extent to which I have learned or will learn programming in a classroom. I haven't used anything from the office suite in years. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython For this I use vpython, a python package used to make easy interactive 3D simulations of objects. This might be a little too advanced but Cambridge has a intro to scientific computing course using python for 3rd year physics students, this is the link to the lecturer's site which includes some useful resources to get started. Last year i did an introductory C++ module, in which the final project was to simulate a box with particles moving in three dimensions, but that's where my experience ends. And as I am starting a Master on theoretical particle physics this September, I think it would be better time wise to take a course which applies it directly to physics, which is the only context I'll be using it. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython The only one I know of that really teaches both Python and physics (though mostly physics) is Elementary Mechanics Using Python by Malthe-Sorenssen. In particular I’m looking to create a 3D vector plot of the magnetic field for a finite wire. to hone your skills because you can use python for other things as well. If you use python with the anaconda distribution (with spyder), there are no real difference between both of them. That helps doing physics: when new people enter our lab, they pick it up very quickly (most of them have no programming experiences besides some Matlab or Mathematica); and we don't want anyone to be a computer scientist. Hey Physicists and also Python programmers, I'm Thomas. Data Analysis: It really depends on the type of analysis you're doing, and how much of it you plan to do. For Python modules relating to MD, check out the Atomic Simulation Environment - ASE. If you have questions or are new to Python use r/learnpython Python is a great way to build physics simulations. I work with Python since a few years and my main topics are related… Matplotlib is the way to go. For physicists and physics students. Honestly, the most used IDE among physicists is probably something like vim, because physicists in general can't code. I already know Python on ~intermediate level, so this is my language of choice. If we are talking about pure python, most good code editors are pretty much the same. The few people I've referred to it (some of them doing comp-physics) said they found it helpful. It uses Python's SymPy computer algebra package to keep values like velocity as exact expressions rather than the usual numeric approximations. to be able to use python in this context. I think having a classes in computer science and computational physics should be a standard part of undergraduate studies for physics majors. IPython is amazing compared to the default interactive mode. I'd like to know your ideas and advice regarding the study/learning of python with the aim of doing physics research, simulation, and solving numerical problems. Since the differential equations are rather large and tedious to work with by hand, I opt to use sympy here to save me an eternity of headaches (and For me the main advantage is the very compact syntax for all linear algebra operations. It covers some common physics simulation methods. ๐ŸŒŸ Exclusive insights into the latest advancements and industry news I started learning Python with the classic Learn Python The Hard Way, and then proceeded to Mark Newman's computational physics book ( half of it is free on his website ) and Giordano's computational physics book. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython It’s a tough one because ultimately, you’re teaching physics and not computer science. r/Physics • Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Awarded to John Cardy and Alexander Zamolodchikov, "For profound contributions to statistical physics and quantum field theory, with diverse and far-reaching applications in different branches of physics and mathematics" How To Take Derivatives In Python: 3 Different Types of Scenarios In this video I show how to properly take derivatives in python in 3 different types of scenarios. The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. Description is left as an exercise for the reader. I will start studying physics this winter, and would like to learn the necessary packages etc. Once you figure out how the family of languages Python belongs to work (the ALGOL Family), and get imperative and procedural programming down, it's more or less just learning syntax quirks to jump between languages like C#, Java, Python, or even their lower level cousins, C and C++. For physics, I recommend you become comfortable with: NumPy: allows you to work with matrices and common math functions efficiently. Then for 2D data like that you can use matplotlib. Imo matlab is more challenging than python. IIRC, it prompts you for what modules to install, so make sure that numpy, matplotlib, ipython (alternate interactive mode, much improved from default, depends on pyreadline), and optionally pip (package manager for python). Here is a series of tutorials that tackles the subject, and is pretty widely popular as a Python physics instruction guide. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines. Python is a general purpose language and it can do a lot of things, but it can be also very complicated because of that. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython Coding is the quickest way to turn theory and models into something useful. Some things I'm thinking about specifically: Hi everyone! I wanted to share some introductory ~100 line Python code tutorials with r/physicsgifs from my GitHub. If you have questions or are new to Python use r/learnpython r/Physics • Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Awarded to John Cardy and Alexander Zamolodchikov, "For profound contributions to statistical physics and quantum field theory, with diverse and far-reaching applications in different branches of physics and mathematics" I really like using VS code for jupyter- notebooks. ' 1. Python itself is a slow interpreted language, but using numpy with python (for high-dimension data) is *signficiantly* faster than numerical libraries in Java or C# (unless you're doing stuff with multiple servers/supercomputers, in which case, it runs into some scalability issues, but I think there are ways to take care of it), and it has many It's a Matplotlib style file for plotting with Python. If you go the python way, I'd recommend using Jupyter with auto sympy enabled for convenience. If you have questions or are new to Python use r/learnpython Hi, I've seen a LOT of Physics solvers online. Any ideas? Eric Matthes wrote the clearest introduction to Python I've ever read. If you have questions or are new to Python use r/learnpython Programming in Python, compared to most other languages i put hands on, is a bliss. You can also see examples of this style in my thesis ( link ). Since python can only solve systems of first order odes, I discuss carefully how to convert systems of higher order odes into systems of first order odes so that they can be solved accordingly. Can someone provide… The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. It offers some improvements over the browser interface. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython As an engineer your job is to solve problems, and you need to use whatever is appropriate for the task at hand. I know the basics of Python, so pretty much everything in part 1 of "Python crash course". I haven't read very much of it, but it seems fine for a first course in Newtonian Mechanics. Then there's the fact that Matlab has great profiler built in, debugger, built in command line that You can try to implement it yourself, although doing it in python is probably a bad idea. Its rapid rise in popularity is supported by comprehensive, largely open-source, contributions from scientists who use it for their own work. 2. For instance, at my job, I spend nearly all my time creating geometric models for beam steering devices (literal math on paper, geometry/rotations + geometric optics), and turning them into python simulations of the devices which I use to do tolerance analysis and develop calibration algorithms for the system. In experimental particle physics, you need software to run the electronics of your experiment, software to control the whole thing, software for data acquisition, event reconstruction, event selection and analysis. The former provides array objects, which are vastly more performant than native Python data structures. Sometimes C++ is still needed when you want to work on performance-critical code for simulation, event reconstruction or similar. Learn python from your favorite guide, then look into numpy/pandas modules for number crunching. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython In detector physics, most of it is programmed in C/C++, Python is popular among the folks doing large dataset analyses, and Julia in other fields. Also, if you're dealing with numerics and simulation with Python, check out numpy and scipy. Python is easy to learn, simple to use, and enormously powerful. Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. As a member of our community, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources, including: ๐Ÿ”ฌ Thought-provoking discussions on automation, ChatGPT, and AI. Hi, I'm a first-year physics major. Sometimes people use Fortran or c++ for the numerically intensive part of the program and they do the rest in Python. Apr 17, 2018 ยท The Python programming language is a widely used tool for basic research and engineering. If you are far enough along in your major, I'd say at least having taken classical mechanics and EM, then I strongly recommend Numerical Methods for Physics by Alejandro Garcia. I have written python to analyze N-body simulations. Never had a problem. I've created a Python library for converting particle kinetic energies into magnetic rigidities and vice versa As part of some work I'm doing at the moment I've created a Python library containing tools for converting between particle kinetic energy in MeV and magnetic rigidity in GV. I can tell you that we use Python and C/C++ a loooot (especially C), we also use Gnuplot for graphs (mathematica and matlab work equally well), I also use root but that's like C++ and Python, CERN people use that mostly. A complete series for programming in Python aimed to suffice simulation and visualization requirements in Physics. That class already assumed that we knew how to program, but not necessarily in Python. If you have questions or are new to Python use r/learnpython It's easier and more elegant than Python, and it is specifically designed for numerical math, physics and engineering. I used both matlab (a lot actually) and python. dot(U. Hi, i want to know what are the best Python libraries for physics simulations. org, tutorialspoint or Automate the boring stuff with python. It has facilities and features for performing tasks of many kinds. A freedom of information request has recently put this course into the public domain. Hi, I'm interested in making simple physics simulations (I'm a physics undergrad student and I'd like to do it for fun as well as testing my understanding of some topics), but I don't really know how to start. The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. It's sometimes used as a teaching tool in introductory physics courses. See the rules before posting, and the subreddit wiki for common… But then again, most people won't notice the extra bloat, and every time they'll try to use a new package they'll find it most of the time. 1 The articles explain how to create a simple, but "perfect", physics game engine in Python. If AI based code works then there’s not a ton of reason for you to not allow it. In my experience it's much easier and faster to write code in Python than in Fortran, but it's not good for numerically intensive applications. It’s a tough one because ultimately, you’re teaching physics and not computer science. you may use Matlab. I'm in college, and curious. Mathematica comes at a price tag considered rather high by most potential casual users. dot(rho. It's python for scientific computing "batteries included". Given the value of Python's usage within the clinic I thought that there might be a r/MedicalPhysics readers who would be interested in a Python course that was written by the creator of Python for the National Security Agency in the USA. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython I’m interested in Data engineering, but I struggle with math, and my Python skills are ok. The former gives you efficient and easy to use n-dimensional arrays which are designed for exactly this sort of work, the later give a whole host of pre made and well optimised c/fortran routines that work on numpy arrays. If you have something to teach others post here. It's all in Python, come with the code you need to solve the problems, but also have a lot of things you write for yourself. Indeed python is good for day to day life. trace(U. You can do art or engineering in Python, surf the web or calculate your taxes, write words or write music, make a movie or make the next billion-dollar Internet start-up. For symbolic math you can still stick with Python, but you'll get a more polished and all around cooler (if proprietary and a bit of a walled-garden) experience Ultimately I switched because I spend much more time preparing and transforming data (which python blows matlab out of the water) than the couple of lines need for some inner loop code where matlab would be slightly shorter. The three free variables used here are the euler angles. . contourf for the full field colormapped or matplotlib. It's really useful in physics since you can create (at initial stages) some arrays and vectors for linear algebra and geometry, some applications on calculus (I'm having both of them at this semester) and later we can use it to create models and try This physics engine tutorial probably can be adapted to Python pretty easily. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose language supporting object-oriented programming with more emphasis on code-readibility and extensibility. If you analyze data programmatically, Python, C/C++, Fortran and MATLAB are great. It's possible that a numpy-heavy implementation would cut it but you'd probably be better off writing a custom python module in C or C++ and handle the numerically intensive work in there. The first scenario is when you have an explicit form for your function, such as f(x)=x 2 or f(x)=e x sin(x). Many physics codes are written in C++ and fortran because python was not around/not advanced enough at the time they were written. I really enjoy cleaning, organizing, and extracting data with Python and SQL. Perhaps most useful is the use of sympy in Lagrangian mechanics. Data Analytics is definitely a good candidate for python, IT is iffy, Depending on the area of IT you may want python, More than likely powershell, Cybersecurity is a bit of both, Python is great if you start building out your own little pen test program. Yes it's a group project and unfortunately some people don't want to hear about rust :/. If you can learn complex subjects, you can learn any programming language. I know calculus, linear algebra, basic abstract algebra, a decent amount of analysis, some topology, as well as combinatorics and elementary differential So I already have the basic ideas of programming, I just need to learn to apply them to the Python language. Hello, I am planning on becoming a physics high school teacher for a year and wanted to make some graphics/animations in python. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry. Nowadays pretty much everything computational can be done from within Python, as a vast number of mature libraries for many specialised areas of application are available and actively developed by the Python community. There's a class in my university that offers an intro the python for physics, but from what I've heard it's a regular intro to python programming. I apologise if this post is not appropriate for this subreddit -- I just wanted to share in case it helps anyone else who needs to create nice scientific plots for their thesis or journal papers. As a general rule, learn physics first. 252K subscribers in the physicsmemes community. (And Blender has a Python console built in so you can drive your animations through code) I happen to TA for the Programming for the Physical Sciences class at my university and we use python for that course. Though I found those two books very dry on symbolic computation so I learned that through a project. Hey r/Python. Explore the intersection of Python programming and physics. MATLAB and python will do most of what you will need (with the addition of R for people who have to deal with experimental data). Can anyone recommend some good self-paced resources such as websites or books that provide a structured curriculum for learning python at/around my level? Bonus points if it's catered toward physics. It only took a few days for me to pick up Python through a bit of self-teaching, though. Is there any particular program for the TI-84 + CE that works best for Physics stuff? I'm trying to find something where I can input the values known and have it spit out any unknown values it can find. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython only for that application. I read that programming for physics/sciences are typically done in Python. But the difference is minimal, and in reality, doing a list comprehension is both more familiar to Python devs and might be faster too. Jul 30, 2024 ยท Hi, I'm starting my Physics Bachlors in around a year, and several of the required modules include Python. As rarely as possible - but sometimes it's either use Mathematica, or write up all of the functionality myself in python. Also, take a look at 'Effective Computation in Physics: Field Guide to Research with Python' and 'Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib. conj(). I'm sophomore Physics major working in a engineering lab and with a professor on the CMS experiment. Every physicist I know, whether it be particle physics, quantum information theory, astro physics, you name it, is in a similar boat. That lets you learn lots of python and the network stack. Can someone direct me to learn more about how to do this (aka computational physics / engineering?) I alr have a decent background in python The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is the most commonly used Monte Carlo algorithm to calculate Ising Model estimations. Edit: you studied physics, it’s very common for physics majors to have matlab experience. In experimental high-energy-physics research it's very important, python is becoming the dominant language for offline data analysis (succeeding C++ with ROOT). I applied to a few ones last year (different resume) with no luck. Ubuntu has been fine with Nvidia since 2018. T))). Mathematica works out of the box, which is definitely nice. For data reduction and analysis and lighter-weight simulation Python is really starting to dominate now, since scipy and numpy provide the numerical and multidimensional data array functionality (often based on underlying optimised Fortran libraries like LAPACK and ATLAS so they are actually quite fast) and astropy is really almost there at Hey everyone, I’m a third year physics major applying for a multitude of internships for the next summer but i realized I have absolutely no good/great physics/data analysis projects that’ll help me land them. 2K votes, 133 comments. I've started learning using some basic A complete series for programming in Python aimed to suffice simulation and visualization requirements in Physics. Students should be able to “code” well enough to do physics well - but I think it’s on them to determine how to do that. I've made multiple videos on this topic. In theoretical particle physics, you might do lattice QCD, or simply get some integrals which you can not solve analytically. About to embark on some physics simulation experiments and am hoping to get some input on available options for making use of my GPU (GTX 1080) through Python: Currently reading the docs for NVIDIA Warp, CUDA python, and CuPy but would appreciate any other pointers on available packages or red flags on packages that are more hassle than they are worth to learn. I'm a math major who is currently learning python, and I'm looking for projects that perhaps involve more sophisticated math, so that I can learn python in a more enjoyable and effective way. as well, but have seen a large number of computational-physics posts here using Python recently and thought this might help someone get setup quickly and into the physics. I have written python to simulate double pendula. Im a second year physics undergrad who wants to further my programming skills through a project that could be relevant but also interesting to learn. It's also worth checking out GlowScript, which is a browser-based implementation of some parts of VPython. For example you can use Julia with your Python code if needed so you can boost your code, but in most scenarios you don't really need something faster than Python Having used both for physics and other uses (industry programmer), Python is my preferred choice. I’m interested in Data engineering, but I struggle with math, and my Python skills are ok. I used Spyder almost exclusively during my PhD (physics). FORTRAN was popular but is getting less popular as it's pretty old now The latest Fortran standard is 2018 :) Fortran has moved on from being the default physics programming language in favour of Python (and rightly so) but once you get into advanced simulation it still rules, partly for performance reasons and partly because of the existing codes and libraries which are very well understood The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. It’s great for plotting and quick prototyping. After that go to Codebat,Codechef etc. Not a physics student but I also love drawing diagrams & modelling. Hi! Anyone know of a good (easy to use) python simulation to solve magnetic fields of wires. All in all, Python is great for handling big calculations more efficiently, but mathematica is better for solving algebra, integrals, and differential equations, IMHO In this video I solve Lagrange's equations of motion for a spinning top fixed at one point using the sympy and scipy libraries of python. I've been using vpython for a while now but i wanted to simulate a ball rolling down an inclined plane and in vpython it was giving me a hard time so i would like to know if there is a library that would make my "life" easier. C's would obviously have a speed benefit, but is it primarily just what existing tools are already written in and writing in Python being quicker as the main reasons for the focus on Python? Maybe I'm misremembering. Python is slow but it's the best language for astronomy. 7M subscribers in the Physics community. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython Most physics papers are written with LaTeX, which depending on how you use it looks much more like writing a program than writing a Word document. The same code in python is much harder to read, for example tr(U*rho*U †) in matlab is trace(U*rho*U'), in python it's np. But julia/fortran/c (simulations) have not the same objectives as matlab or python (data analysis and treatment). For my friends I recommend them to install Anaconda all the time, it's reliable and comes with the two best dev environments for comp-phys (Spyder and Jupyter), comes ready for 90% of the stuff you'll need OOTB. This includes first order, coupled first order, and higher order odes. I have written python to implement a neural network that can tell apart Higgs boson signal events from background events. Ergo if you can handle matlab, you don’t need to be afraid of python, just jump right in. So you can definitely apply FP to Python, but knowing it won't be like Haskell, and I'd recommend keeping in mind the future Python developer that will maintain it. It consists of formulas from basic Kinematics to higher-order quantum mechanics. I've attempted to summarize general python setup here: Quick Python Setup. Usually, I'll do the latter, but a lot of it is beyond my programming skills and effort threshold. But if anything that could make the python sim faster would be cool. Python and MATLAB are great for importing data in many formats. This video is about solving ordinary differential equations in python. It's not a difficult language. I think a lot of physics students teach themselves coding, be it to make labs and homework faster or for research. The problem is I don't know where to start: I found a course name "Intro to Python Programming" and another named "Python for Data Science, AI & Development". If your interest is specific to physics simulations, you are much better off writing the computationally expensive part as C- extension modules for python and leaving the object oriented part in python land. All the scripts and modules I wrote were meant to be used exclusively by myself, and as a python learner at the time it was very useful to be able to just run some sections of the code and experiment with bits and bobs of different misura is a Python library designed to simplify the handling of units of measure for scientific and engineering applications. I have written python to solve the harmonic oscillator. What good libraries are there for Physics, Maths, Astrophysics Fields and what learning resources would you recommend to be able to write… The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. I suggest you to learn from docs. So Python could be one such tools, but in general you will learn to use different tools depending on what you do. almost impossible to install nvidia drivers this is 2022. I've just finished my first year of university physics. But if you use something like VS code, you have one editor for multiple purposes like latex and python in different tabs, sharing themes and settings. This thread goes into detail on why creating your physics engine can be difficult, but it also gives some resources. Very useful for analyzing experimental data and running simulations. Now the library and simulation frameworks available for Python far exceed the proprietary Matlab modules, unless you are talking about very specific, often engineering related applications. python. Our vibrant Reddit community is the perfect hub for enthusiasts like you. However, if you need a 3D modelling such as orbits in atoms etc. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython Physics as a field is still into Fortran (probably more so than any other field is today), but Julia is quickly emerging as a language that is as powerful as fortran but with friendly syntax like Python (though I think Julia isn’t quite mature enough yet for all use cases). I'm a junior physics major applying to summer programs, including several REUs and internships at JPL/NASA etc. They do offer an advanced course which I have the pre-reqs for, but I want to make sure I have a stronger foundation before I go for that class. If you are interested in doing numerical stuff in python you really need to look into numpy and scipy. I'm a student of Physics and as an "extra" to my curriculum, i'm trying to learn Python. Julia has a lot of nice features, many focused on performance, but this has contributed to the myth that "Julia is absolutely faster than Python". To learn python I skimmed through the google python class on youtube, but at 10 years old it's a bit dated now. Real programmers use emacs :-P nah, just kidding. If you write a simulation in python, for example, you will be using primarily other people's libraries. This, I assume, is very related to data science. If needed you can use another language but just for some complex operations and not your entire code. The algorithm first chooses selection probabilities g(μ, ν), which represent the probability that state ν is selected by the algorithm out of all states, given that we are in state μ. Feel free to use and modify how you'd like! Then I took another class in the physics department called "Computational Physics", which was entirely in Python. Using python for physics is not much different then using it for other purposes, you still need the same basic concepts and foundations. Empower yourself with practical tools for tackling complex challenges in physics using Python. the Python programming language. Here are some challenges to try. Our platform offers tutorials, simulations, and resources to solve real-world physical problems, focusing on numerical methods and computational imaging. If you plan to do plotting, MATLAB/Octave and Python excel. The statement only holds in the obvious only-use- PhysiPy is a Python Library that calculates all types of Physics Formulae for calculations and research. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython Honestly I barely even consider physics and coding as separate things nowadays. Creating the animation shown in the video requires very very little code, which is always a bonus. You will probably need to learn a little general python first but modelling projectile motion sounds like a good first project. For proper Physics, you won't ever use garbage OS like Windows in the first place. During this year we had a computing module where we used Fortran 90 to do basic things such as simulating the Rutherford scattering experiments. Most real work in physics tends to be Python, but you'll find a lot of C, C++, and you'll find Fortran in everything (including NumPy, a core scientific computing package for Python). Python is also quite common in physics. It provides a unified interface for dealing with different units and their conversions , allowing for quick and accurate calculations without the need for complex manual conversions. contour for lines of P(x,y)=constant. I know these skills: -Excel -Python: general, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly -SQL (PostgreSQL) -Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn and practice with Kaggle datasets. Since you're studying physics, you might enjoy learning through VPython. I'm studying physics so a numerical orientated course would be great (with ODE's maybe a bit machine learning). Python comes free of charge. This was maybe true 10 years ago. Hi there, I'm searching for a good course or book or whatever to improve my python skills. I have written python to simulate Ising models. Sympy is able to construct your Lagrangian (not super difficult to do by hand), solve for lagranges equations (often a real pain to do by hand) and rearrange lagrqnges equations into a set of coupled second order differential equations (again, a real pain to do by hand). I've seen that it is possible to do them in Matplotlib. I work for a Scientific Publisher (in Physics); so, as a test, I searched for python, fortran, matlab, mathematica, "common lisp", "c++", in a corpus of approximately 10 million articles; Python was on top of new-ish articles, followed by Fortran (sans version, but I presume 77, possibly 95). tvrbl ief hgaxm guzkezqvu qwgph ukddaz cvrz wcqfw vwjgm gofkhj